
We went through more than 200 beaches and we want to share them with you. Explore the country of the unspoiled spots and intense green.


GOPlaya Services

Pick among 215 beaches across Costa Rica

Choose among more than 2,000 beach accommodations

Rent a car and get trip advisory for free

Google Maps and Waze coodinates to get to each beach

National Parks, sea turtles, whales and dolphins

Explore more than 60 unknown beaches

GOPlaya.cr is the first beach search engine of Costa Rica. Choose the location you want to visit according to your taste and preference. For instance, white sand beaches, calm waves or National Parks. Here you can book a room at nearby hotels from your favorite beach and rent a car with an exclusive discount.


“GOPlaya is a totally unprecedented project, not only in Costa Rica. It is a very important source of information for tourists who need to know about beaches”.

Miguel Ledhesma
World Travel Journalism Organization

“GOPlaya, the first beach search engine in the world and the only option that catalogues and categorizes a significant volume of the hundreds of beaches that exist in our country”.

La Nacion (Newspaper in Costa Rica)

“GOPlaya.cr allows you to explore more than 200 beaches in Costa Rica, from the most remote and unspoiled one to the most popular, according to the taste of every nature lover”.

La Vanguardia (Newspaper in Spain)

“I love your information. So I realize that there are beaches I don’t know about and some other I didn’t even know existed”.

Marlenne Segura
Facebook follower.

“The information you provide is high quality and very useful for those of us who love to discover beaches. Thank you for this initiative”.

Luis Vargas
Facebook follower.