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Buy Montezuma travel guide and get to know the best beaches and natural spectacles around this beach town.

Montezuma is a very small beach town, where streets are very narrow and everything is just slow and calm.

The rastafari culture predominantes in this destination in Nicoya Peninsula, where locals offer all kinds of handcrafted necklaces, bracelets and souvenirs on the street side.

Buy Montezuma travel guide and get to know the best beaches and natural spectacles around this beach town. This destination is part of the Beach Towns in Costa Rica eBook, created by GOPlaya.cr

Price: $7.99 + taxes

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Beach Towns in Costa Rica

Were you recommended to visit a beach town and want to know more about it? Or maybe you already decided where to go and now you are looking forward to get the best out of this travel experience? GOPlaya classified it’s travel guide so you can get individually the beach town of your preference.


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Las Catalinas



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Puerto Viejo